Please read the following carefully before using this site.
The only information that obtains about individual visitors to its web site is that supplied voluntarily by visitors. You grant the site the right to transmit, monitor, retrieve, store and use your information in connection with the operation of the site.
FARM Orthopedics employs strict security measures to safeguard online communications; personal information, when voluntarily submitted by a visitor to the FARM Orthopedics web site, is stored in a secure database.
In order to provide visitors with other valuable information, FARM Orthopedics may provide links to third-party sites. However, FARM Orthopedics exercises no authority over third-party sites, each of which maintains independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures.
We do not warrant or represent that the information submitted to the site will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties.
FARM Orthopedics assumes no responsibility or liability for these independent methods or actions and is not responsible for the independent policies or procedures of destination sites. The site cannot and does not assume responsibility or liability for any information you submit to the site or for third parties’ use or misuse of information transmitted or received from this site.
You are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to ensure that no unauthorized person shall have access to your site password or account. It is your sole responsibility to (1) control the dissemination and use of activation codes and passwords; (2) authorize, monitor and control access to and use of your site account and password; and (3) promptly inform the FARM Orthopedics web site of any need to deactivate a password.
Links to external web sites are provided for your convenience and, as such, you access them at your own risk. However, FARM Orthopedics wishes to assure the integrity of its site and its external links, so any comments pertaining to our site or any sites accessed through our site links are appreciated.